We employ the most advanced measures available to ensure the security of your information. All data is encrypted during transfer and stored securely on our servers using the latest Firewall technologies. Both our website and software utilize every possible means to maintain data accuracy, privacy, and protection against misuse or loss.

Should you have any inquiries or concerns regarding data privacy and security, please feel free to contact our Customer Support at any time, 24/7. Our dedicated representatives are always ready to assist you.

Cookies Policy

At MCW, we strive to provide you with the best service and user experience at all times. One of the ways we achieve this is through the use of Cookies.

What is a “Cookie”?

A Cookie, also referred to as a browser or tracking cookie, is a small piece of information sent from a web server to a web browser. This enables the server to collect data from the browser. When you visit a website, cookies are created, and upon subsequent visits, the browser retrieves and sends the collected information back to the website’s server.

Cookies play a crucial role in enhancing usability and site processes. Disabling cookies may prevent users from accessing certain functions of websites.

How MCW Uses Cookies

At MCW, cookies are primarily used to enhance user experience. Below, we outline how cookies are utilized on our websites:

Tracking and Analysis

  • Cookies are utilized to analyze website traffic, thereby enhancing our website services.
  • Information gathered is used for the MCW affiliate program.
  • Analysis of user navigation within the website and collection of data on visitor usage. This data helps us compile reports and improve our services.


  • Cookies enable recognition of returning visitors and display of preferred content.
  • They facilitate the speed and enhancement of our service offerings.
  • Online chat services utilize cookies to provide support to our visitors.

MCW primarily employs session and persistent cookies. Session cookies expire upon session logout, while persistent cookies can be stored in your browser for varying durations, from minutes to years, depending on the specific type of cookies.

Managing Cookies

You can configure your browser settings to disable, delete, or stop storing cookies on your computer. However, please note that disabling cookies may impact certain services or features we offer.


Please exercise caution regarding unlicensed and unregulated entities attempting to replicate MCW websites for malicious purposes. These counterfeit websites are not affiliated with MCW in any capacity and are beyond our control and protection. For the highest security standards, only engage with Official MCW websites. For further information, visit casinomcw.com.